Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Christmas Stories to Put You in the Spirit

Hey yall! Today has been crazy busy and I still have much to do once I leave work. My daughter wants a Barbie Dream House (the medium one mommy!) for Christmas so I need to convince her in the meantime to get rid of some toys. I hope to do that tonight. And I need to do some deep cleaning in preparation of Christmas parties.

I'm still working on overcoming my writing block. I don't have much to say but I wanted to share this with you. I mentioned in my last post I love to read Christmas stories and if you do too, here's a wonderful post with some truly inspirational non-fiction Christmas books: 7 True Holiday Tales to Put You in the Christmas Spirit. Let me know in the comments what your favorite Christmas story is!

1 comment:

  1. That definitely sounds interesting! I'll have to do some research now. :)
